Promotion of Cultural Tourism in the Cross-Border Region

Promotion of Cultural Tourism in the Cross-Border Region

Lead Partner: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa - Berkovitsa Branch
Partners: Agency for Regional Development and Business Center Vidin, Regional Chamber of Economy Nis, Regional Chamber of Economy Zajecar
Project start date: 22.01.2013г
Implementation period of the project: 12 months
Project objectives: The overall objective of the project is the promotion of the cultural resources of the project area through a series of joint activities, common products and structures, establishing a connecting link between the populations in the cross-border region.

The specific objectives of the project are:
- To support the economic development of the cross-border region and increase its competitiveness by realizing its potential in the sector of the cultural tourism
- Promotion and preservation of the cultural and the traditional heritage in the cross-border region
- Encouraging of business cooperation between stakeholders in the sector of cultural tourism from the cross-border area by creating a network of the active businesses in the tourist sector, especially in the filed of cultural tourism, development of common tourist packages, meetings of beneficiaries and trainings, organization of Traditional Folklore Festival "Cultour''
- Popularization of the target cross-border region in Serbia, Bulgaria and foreign countries as a tourist destination in the filed of cultural tourism through various promotional activities.
Target groups:
1) Potential users of the Internet website, Guide on Cultural tourism, DVDs with tourist packages, DVDs with film of the Traditional Folklore Festival "Cultour", who will benefit from the electronic information provided on cultural issues in the cross-border region
2) Employees in tourist businesses, organizations related to tourism, travel agencies, tourist operators, tourist information centers, who will participate in the beneficiary meetings and trainings and will enhance their skills on cultural tourism management
3) Public officers working in the local authorities, who will participate in trainings and beneficiary meetings.
4) Participants and public in the Traditional Folklore Festival, who will enrich their culture and knowledge about folklore songs, dances and customs in the cross-border region in Bulgaria and Serbia.
Project activities:
1) Kick-off partner meeting
2) Open Info Day
3) Identification and assessment of cultural resources for development of cultural tourism in the target region
4) First beneficiary meeting
5) Development of tourist packages
6) Development of project website
7) Elaboration of Guide on Cultural Tourism
8) Second beneficiary meeting
9) Traditional Folklore Festival "Cultour"
10) Presentation and promotion of the project
11) Information and publicity
12) Project management and coordination
Project Results:
·         Four common tourist packages on cultural tourism, recorded on DVD;
·         Guide on Cultural tourism in English, Serbian and Bulgarian language;
·         Traditional Folklore Festival “Cultour” filmed on DVD;
·         Two cross-border beneficiary meetings;
·         Website promoting the target region as a cultural tourism destination;
·         Open Info Days and Final press-conference;
·         Promotional materials for the target region as a cultural tourism destination (leaflets, t-shirts, pens, etc.)

For further information:  Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa – Berkovitsa Branch
Lidia Ivanova (Project Coordinator) - tel. 0953 88397;
Miglena Asenova (Project Manager) - tel. 0878598211