Title: "Preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage through Green Roads"
Project acronym: OUR WAY
Program: Interreg Europe 2014-2020
Duration: 54 months (01.06.2018-30.11.2022)
Spain (Region of Murcia) - Lead Partner
Ireland (Northern and Western Regional Assembly)
Poland (Podkarpackie Region)
France (Department Council of Herault)
Bulgaria (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa)
Hungary (Hajdu-Bihar Country Government)
Belgium (European Greenways Association).
Project goal: To contribute to the preservation, protection and development of natural and cultural heritage through the so-called. "Green Roads", to improve the political instruments related to the cultural and natural heritage of the territories included in the project.
Basic activities:
Main results:
Improvement of 6 national policies, in which 18 good practices have been identified and preparation of 6 regional action plans, the implementation of which will contribute to the utilization of the natural and cultural heritage of each of the regions included in the project.
Contact: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Svetlana Borisova, Maya Milova
Tel: +359 92 66 02 73 / +359 92 66 02 71
Email: cci-vr@cci-vratsa.org