TRANSITION is an eContent project supported by the European Commission. eContent is a market oriented programme which aims to support the production, use and distribution of European digital content and to promote linguistic and cultural diversity on the global networks.
More specifically, TRANSITION main objective is to create a "Secure Partnership Building Environment" aiming to win European SMEs trust and develop the use of public data. Such an environment will provide two specific services that will be experimented in the Textile-Clothing industry.
These services are:
The SME-Confidence-Service dedicated to an "Online Labelling" procedure based on the available public data in terms of organisation, technical references and financial information.
The Info-Tracing-Service is dedicated to the network of certified companies. It aims to authenticate the products (fight against counterfeiting) and to trace all the steps of the product development cycle from the creation to the delivery (product conformity, tests and certification.
The project started in January 2005 and is expected to be completed by June 2007.
The Main Services to be offered to TRANSITION members will include, among others:
Search for possible partnership abroad. The end-user must specify all those criteria in order to find the enterprises that seem to be the most relevant to provide the requested service or product
Identify relevant data sources in the targeted countries. Indeed the user looking for information about a possible partnership abroad does not know necessarily the relevant data sources in the targeted country. Through the platform could be able to have access to both, public and private data sources
Extract and aggregate data coming from heterogeneous data sources. In fact the data are not necessarily following a standard format and are not necessarily structured in a unique manner. Through the platform the users could extract heterogeneous data sources, which will be aggregated and presented in a standard format to the end user
Transcript the results in the language selected by the end user
Trace product, acting as a tool to guarantee tracability. In that way could establish the link between the enterprise and its providers and on the other hand between the enterprise and its products.
TRANSITION will adopt the structure of a Master virtual network with associated TRANSITION National Virtual Companies and (in smaller markets) TRANSITION representatives.
There are 11 Project Partners from 6 countries such as:
ATC ROM [Romania]
Asociatia Tara Lapusului (ATL) [Romania]
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris (CCIP) [France]
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vratsa [Bulgaria]
EURATEX [Belgium]
Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (HCIA) [Greece]