Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME

Name of the project:                    Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME

Acronym of the project:              Digitalisation

Programme:                                 Erasmus+, Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange
                                                      of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships
                                                      Main Funder: Erasmus+ National Agency - Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung

                            Agreement No: 2017-1-DE02-KA202-004223

Duration:                                      24 months (01.11.2017 – 31.10.2019)    


  1. emcra – Europa Active Nutzen – Lead Partner, Berlin (Germany)
    expertise: European Union, Education & Training, Project Management, Organisational Development, etc.
  2. Tournis Consulting LP, Athens (Greece)
    expertise: Risk Management, Business Continuity, Information Security,  Crisis Management, etc.
  3. CPMS - Cyprus Project Management Society, Nicosia (Cyprus)
    expertise: Project Management, Risk Management, Business Continuity, Information Security, Information & Communication Technologies, Organisational Development, etc.
  4. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, Vratsa (Bulgaria)
    expertise: Business organization that serves small and medium enterprises in Northwest Bulgaria and with wide network
  5. LVH Bildung & Service Gen., Bolzano (Italy)
    expertise: Professional Association & Training Provider, Craftmanship, Business Services, etc.
  6. IBWF Institut für Betriebsberatung, Wirtschaftsförderung u. -forschung e.V., Berlin (Germany)
    expertise:   Small and Medium-sized Entreprises, Business Services, etc.
  7. LUISS - Libera Università Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali, Rome (Italy)
    expertise: Higher education, economics, management, business, law, politics

Associated Partners:  CEA PME; Confartigianati Imprese; Medianet Berlin-Brandenburg; Vratsa Software Community; European Center for Quality Ltd.; EUFA; Cybernet
They support dissemination of project contents and results: online survey, test phase, support multiplier events, advertise products, spread information on local, regional, national, European levels.

Main Objective: To develop innovative “Self-learning Tool”, available online, used directly at the workplace to prepare the strategic setting of the digitalisation process within the company and to initiate its implementation in the company’s operational processes

Specific objectives:

  • Sensitize target group to opportunities and risks of digitalisation
  • Guiding target group throughout the process of developing and implementing digitalisation strategy in their business
  • Increase knowledge and competences of target group
  • Increase competitiveness of target group

Target group:

  • CEOs, Managers, Employees of EU SMEs in the field of „Business Services“,
  • „Businesses offering services to other businesses to support their activities“,
  • Management consultancies, accounting and legal services, office support services, HR or event services, etc.,
    including involved directly in the implementation activities of the project:
  •  Personnel of participating or associated organisations
  •  Learners in participating organisations (VET, University)
  •  Members of participating chambers or professional associations
  •  Other interested individuals or networks of partner organisations

Work packages:

WP1 Pooling of knowledge (O1, O2) (CPMS)

WP2 Development of the process model (O1) (LUISS)

WP3 Development of the learning tool (O2) (emcra)

WP4 Design and programming of the learning tool (O2) (emcra)

WP5 Testing of learning tool online and in focus groups (O2) (CCI-Vratsa)

WP6 Revision, translation and Finalisation of process model and learning tool (O1, O2) (emcra)

WP7 Use / Exploitation of project output (LVH)

WP8 Dissemination of project output (CCI-Vratsa)

WP9 Project management (emcra)

Main project outputs:  2 digitalisation project outputs:
O1 : Process Model - demonstrates systematic step by step digitalisation process in a SME

O2: Learning tool Digitalisation provides analysing, learning and planning materials of digitalisation process in a SME


+ Organisational development, change and risk management
+ Explanations on current digital technologies and applications (big data, mobile services, cloud, information security)

+ Guidance on legal aspects, e.g. the European general data protection regulation 2018

  • long-term improvements resulting from outcomes,
    attractiveness on job market (individual level)
  • stay competitive (SME level)
    - especially for Business Services companies better prepared for digitalisation
  • „user“ and „supplier“ partners as multipliers on local, regional, national levels
  • transfer to other economic sectors 


DIGITALISATION – 4th Partner Meeting, Rome, 15th-16th April 2019

On the 15th and 16th of April, 2019 within the framework of “Digitalisation – Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME” project under Erasmus+ programme, the fourth project meeting took place in Rome, Italy. Participants representing the seven partner organisations from Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Greece were present.

Main topics discussed were the state of the art of the Online Learning Tool, the results of its testing in focus groups, and the online testing of the Tool, which has already started and is open until the 9th of May 2019.

During the meeting, partners discussed in working groups the feedback on Process Model (O1) and the exploitation of the Online Learning Tool (O2). CCI Vratsa made a presentation on project’s dissemination activities. Partners discussed the results which have been achieved so far as well as the planning of the multiplier events in partners’ countries.

For more information on the project, please contact Ventsislava Strahilova, CCI Vratsa, tel: +359 92/660271, e-mail:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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