On 13th and 14th January 2022, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa participated in the Kick-off meeting within project “SURE – Sustainable and Responsible Entrepreneurship”, that took place in Bordeaux, France. Host of the meeting was the lead partner Cooperative CO-ACTIONS, France. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EC and is implemented by a Consortium of five EU partners from France, Bulgaria, Italy, and Belgium.
The SURE (Sustainable and Responsible Entrepreneurship) project aims to develop teaching resources on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and green skills to train vocational educators involved in the field of individual business creation.
The primary target group of the project are educators, trainers, and practitioners in vocational training of individual entrepreneurs. To achieve the project objectives, the partnership will produce the following three results: 1. A self-assessment tool for sustainable practices in entrepreneurship. 2. A training toolkit on sustainable development. 3 White paper on Corporate Social Responsibility.
For more information:
Chamber o Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Ventsislava Strahilova
e-mail: cci-vr@cci-vratsa.org
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.