Launch of Erasmus+ project “EpilepsyPOWER – Epilepsy People inclusion Overcoming Workplaces European marginalization”

  15:56, 06 Apr 22

On 5th April 2022, the pre-kick-off meeting within project “EpilepsyPOWER – Epilepsy People inclusion Overcoming Workplaces European marginalization” funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU took place online.

The project is KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education with three years implementation period /01/02/2022 – 31/01/2025/. Project consortium is composed of six reputable partners from five EU countries – Lead partner LUISS LIBERA UNIVERSITA INTERNAZIONALE DEGLI STUDI SOCIALI GUIDO CARLI (Italy), emcra GmbH (Germany), Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa (Bulgaria), UNIVERSITA CAMPUS BIO MEDICO DI ROMA (Italy), Epilepsy Alliance Europe (Ireland), and ETABLISSEMENT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR CONSULAIRE GRENOBLE ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT (France).

The ambitious objectives of EpilepsyPOWER project aim at improving people with epilepsy (PwE) opportunities of inclusion in the job market. Project’s target groups are on one hand – people with epilepsy and on the other hand - HEI’s staff and end-users: professors, university staff, placement officers, students, entrepreneurs/managers attending MBA/Executive courses, adult people employed in organizations, recruiters, HR experts and recruitment agencies.

To achieve its objective, the consortium will develop five project results: Operational framework and learning methodology; Integrated online platform for digital integrated learning multilevel cooperation and resources sharing; Collaborative labs for best practices; Learning contents and classroom guidelines; and Assessment online tool and epilepsy label.

For more information:

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa

Ventsislava Strahilova


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.