On April 28th 2022, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa took part in the final transnational partner meeting in the framework of project “INCLUDE – Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age”, that took place in Berlin, Germany and was hosted by the lead partner of the project – emcra GmbH. INCLUDE is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU and is implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from Germany, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, and Poland.
INCLUDE aims to support SMEs, SMOs and start-ups in the day-to-day challenges of digital change with a modern, inclusive leadership approach. The meeting enabled project partners to discuss the finalisation of the INCLUDE project results: the Process model (how to successfully integrate an inclusive leadership style in your organisation, step-by step); EQF Curriculum (what an inclusive leader should know and be able to do); the Handbook (with Methods and Tools for present and future managers), and the E-mail course (tools, methods and tips for inclusive leadership delivered on a weekly basis).
The results from our INCLUDE project will soon be available online for free!
For more info:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Contact person: Ventsislava Strahilova
e-mail: cci-vr@cci-vratsa.org
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