INCLUDE Partner meeting in Poznan– 29-30 November 2021

  16:53, 02 Dec 21

On 29th and 30th November 2021, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa took part in the partner meeting within project “INCLUDE – Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age”, that was held in Poznan, Poland. It was hosted by the Polish project partner - the Adam Mickiewicz University. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the EU and is being implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from Germany, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, and Poland.

The INCLUDE project started in October 2019. Lead partner is emcra – Europa Active Nutzen, from Berlin, Germany. The project aims to develop innovative and practical tools for inclusive leadership to help today’s European companies to successfully cope with the challenges of the digital age. The developed training materials for managers and employees in SMEs, SMOs and startups will accompany them on their way to successful inclusive leadership through a Process Model (showing step by step how the introduction of an inclusive leadership approach can be successful in companies), EQF Curriculum (showing what an inclusive modern leader should know and be able to do), a Handbook (comprising of 26 different theories and tools for inclusive leadership) and an Email course.

The meeting was very fruitful after a period of online communication, as the upcoming tasks of each partner in connection with the finalisation of the products were discussed in detail. The test phase of the Email course starts on December 8th. The email course consists of 12 short emails that aim to introduce users and spur interest on the topic of inclusive leadership. Managers and employees in SMEs, SMOs and startups, as well as vocational education and training providers can take part in the testing of the email course by contacting us:

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa

Contact person: Ventsislava Strahilova


Tel: +359 92 660271

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.